Who am I?

My photo
Well. My name is Whitney and I love life! Blogs are pretty popular these days, so I said why not? I will continue to weekly update my whereabouts (mostly to my best friends house and back, but at least it's something!(:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Addiction.

Have any of you taken a peek at this all time addicting tv series? take a gander at a snapshot o' mine.
Ohmigosh. pure awesomeness right thurr. and that is kind of all? please please please just adventure into one bitsu episode for me, willya? ok cool. deal. done deal.
                                                                -W (A)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New, new, and getting newer!

Surprised? you should be. Because what went from little old crappy 13 crazy and happy came to grown up- but still in a petite perspective. i'm proud, and i never thought i would get this far! haha even though i'm still thirteen, my blog feels more open now that i'm up to FOUR followers! haha i'm still trying to figure out this whole blog thing, and getting the hang of it, but until then, Peace, love, and a teeny perspective!(:


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Well Hello There.

Hey fellow men and women of Anywhere! (But mostly just my two followers at the moment.) Speaking of this, I think it is clear I need to adress the issue. I have but minimal followers, and concerned-ly, yet to follow! Please spread the word about 13 Years Of Crazy Happiness, and hopefully this darling little blogspot will get somewhere. In the meantime, watch this.(:

People Who Care.